Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Politics and Religion

I keep hearing people complain about how Obama's not "doing anything," especially the Christian Coalition co-worker who sits behind me and likes to bark along with her blaring right-wing radio programs, carping on and on about how the Democrats fought so hard to get into office and what have they done? What? Have? They? Done? And how she hopes there will be a town-hall meeting in Eugene so she can go and shout down her congressman.

For the love of God.

Here are some reminders so you can follow along:

Your man got us into this mess. He got us into the war, into a shite economy, into people getting thrown out of their homes and losing health care.
Your party's policies have made it impossible to pull yourself up without government assistance -- yes, that bad ol' government who should stay out of the lives of its citizens and can't now because you expect it to save the lives of its citizens.
Your man had 8 years to do this.

Our man's been on the job since January. No, not vacationing in Texas and playing golf -- he's actually on the job. He's just started untangling the knot that your man created and he's got a lot on his plate right now. He's got to start unraveling your junk while still trying to manage the new junk that keeps coming in. And if you want to go downtown and shout down your congressman for not being the Magic Man, then go right ahead and let everyone else see what a great big moron you are. Go on, ask them why they haven't fixed the economy that apparently just turned bad in January because it was so great before that.

Oh, and before I forget, cops asking for color on a suspect description IS racial profiling, and if Prof. Gates wants to "throw the race card" it's not unfair, it's what whitey has been doing for over 200 years. (Old news? Ask anyone in Oregon who isn't white.)

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