Monday, July 13, 2009

What the hell --- where's summer off to?

Yeah, I'm not getting around to the blog. I'm exercising all the time, and then the cousin's cat died (represented by the "cat" in the drawing of my pet-sitting sleep habits last March) and I really liked that cranky pet, and she (the cousin who had the cranky pet) is moving to Atlanta n' junk and there's all the "last week in Eugene" festivities and packing and garage sales in the heaviest rain since winter, and that Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi was 2-1/2 hours long! and I had to watch the whole thing to see what happened (he was married to her, but disguised as this macho guy, but she didn't recognize him because he wore a moustache as the husband, but then he asks her to cheat on him with his other self ... I love Bollywood) -- so ... yeah ... I thought being done with school meant having all this free time and I don't see the payoff coming.

Although I guess I had some free time not too long ago, but I seemed to have squandered it on ridiculous wasteful habits of sleep and book reading.

I'll try to get one or two posts in before the gambling junket next week. Mom and I are booked for tea at the Huntington Library on Monday (do I get free cake cuz it's my birfday?) and then it's off to Pala to lose at penny slots and get a sunburn. Good times. If I don't get a post in before then, well, now you know what I'll be doing, so the cat's out of the bag.

Oh, the cat out of the bag. She was a good cat. Poor Marosa. I just can't picture her scampering up the Rainbow Bridge. I assume she'll just wait patiently at the steps for her owners to come and tote her over one day.

Going to see Moon tonight. I'll tell you how it is.

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