Monday, October 20, 2008

The Bomb

I'm o'pposed to be working on my paper about The Seventh Seal, but in my weekly newspaper reading for typos and copy edit errors, I came across the review (and full-page ad) for Dr. Atomic, John Adams' new opera ... and I'm totally obsessed with it. The YouTube videos have weird pop-up notes ("This is my favorite song") which irritate me too much to add any of them to the blog, but I can't stop staring at the photos and wishing there was a way to make the opera entirely black and white (apart from "Red Alert").

Heh ... I have nerdy opera fantasies ... heh heh ...

Okay, yeah ... back to Bergman. Religion, art and death ... yah yah yah.

1 comment:

Lesli Larson said...

You could come watch it at "the movies" with us next weekend. Sara is totally into the whole watch met broadcasts at the gateway center experience.

I think it's playing the second Saturday in November.