Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Think Greek!

First of all, the weak rhyme is the best rhyme of all. If Wordsworth can throw out "chord" as a rhyme for "word" then it's open season, friends. Besides, you can't say Theek Greek, can you?

I gots this here mail thing what says I gots smarts enuf for to be in this here society with the funny name: Kappa Tau Alpha. Says here you gots to be nominated and be super smart to be in it. And I is! It's unpossible!

I'm a little worried about shelling out my dough to get the KTA key (does that mean I can play with it like District Attorney Ellis Lowe?) because what if I blow it this term? What if the GPA takes a dive because I'm having a really, really, really hard time keeping up with the classes. Will they drum me out? Such fear. And if they drop me like a bag of dirt, do I get my $30 back?

Do I have to dress like other Kappa Tau Alphas? I hope there's a secret handshake, but if I have to live in a house with them, it's probably not going to work out ... unless someone else does the cooking.

That is all.


reverend dick said...

If you do have to live in the House, they'll probably insist that you go streaking with them, engage in pillow fights, sit on committeess promoting spirit floats, etc. Also, watch out for peepholes drilled through the baseboards in the communal shower...

li'l hateful said...

Kappa Tau, Kappa Tau, anytime at all. Won't you think with Kappa Tau, winter, spring or fall