Sunday, April 27, 2008

Post-Posted Depression

So I'm sitting here at work by myself and "Stardust" sung by Nat King Cole comes on the earphones and I think about Cat and I start to cry, and I've been worried all day because maybe I shouldn't have put in that thing about how I'm irritated at "the situation" -- not that it isn't true, because it upsets me most of the time, but maybe I shouldn't have put it in anyway -- and I think about how I work and go to school with a lot of people on anti-depressants, and, sure, you've got to wonder why the hold out, and what the hell makes you think you're above it when the rest of the community needs that emotion inhibitor to get through the day and you're sitting at your desk alone in the dark at work letting people bark at you on chat about how your company has this agenda to screw them and the Internet is run by witches, all the time worrying about school, work, friends and crying about a departed cat.

But you've got to wonder how much would be missed by inhibiting these moments. Emotion is a too way street, and putting up the tire spikes is going to keep traffic from traveling either way.

I guess the trick is making sure you can ride back up the hill from the bottom.

Back to work now. Hey! But here's today's customer of the day:

It will purchase the [item #] from Korea lye, it does. The post office thuk the possibility of receiving with Song it is?

Where do you even begin to try answering it?


reverend dick said...

"It puts the lye upon it's skin, or it gets the Song again..."

FWIW: when shit won't stop for me physical activity helps me feel better. Especially riding back up the hill...
Hoping you're well.

li'l hateful said...

Ha! That was my first reaction to it as well. We have that psychic link ... or, yeah, it's got that flow to it, sure.