Sunday, April 27, 2008

Just a blog before I go

I promise, I won't use YouTube to fill the space anymore. At least not today.

Veda was taken in for her first shot and did very well in the car. I think she'll be the traveling pet, the one that goes with me across the country in my Winnebego and helps me solve mysteries (and help people with their personal problems). She was fine in the vet's office until the temperature-taking part. Telling her that we've all been through it and that we still respect her didn't seem to help. She didn't like the first shot either and made that sound that I would hear other cats make at the vet -- the sound that made me think "Geez, I'm glad that's not MY pet." And now it is. 3 more weeks until she can go outside, which is too bad today because it's finally SPRING!

I left the window open all night last night. Crazy, I know, but it was so nice, and I saw Mercury on the horizon just like the scientists said. (Veda's on my lap trying to paw me back from typing. Is it because I talked about your butt? We all have one.) Time to pull the weeds and save up for a new barbecue. It's making me itch to solve some issues and have friends again, but that is apparently not my business and that's all I can say because it will already lead to an angry shouting match with the cousin/roommate (Why did you have to say that on the blog?!?). But it irritates me and I want a new barbecue, but only if we're going to use it. I won't be publically censored anymore. Besides, opinion is protected under Oregon's First Amendment (King v. Menolascino, 276 Ore. 501, 555 P.2d. 442 1976).

Speaking of law, in terms of groups projects, I'm pinching myself. So far all of the groups I'm in (Reporting and Law) are filled with people actually taking an active part in the project! I know, it's weird. It's making up for 3 years of slugabeds. Did I mention the sorority teams that copied each other's paper, even the typos? The professor put it on the overhead and said he wouldn't name-names, and they went and outed themselves anyway: "You didn't tell us we couldn't work together." You copied the typos. One person worked, the other one copied. Get it? A really nice student from my Reporting class is trapped in one of those groups. Pray for him.

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