Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ethics? We don't need no stinking ethics!

Best overheard remark in Ethics: "Dude, this guy's a total douche-bag."

Nice to know the kids still throw around insults like "douche-bag".

I'm supposed to be doing school work, but I've completely lost the love. I don't want to be a newspaper reporter anymore. I want to be a normal person. I know -- I KNOW -- there are reporters out there that don't pay half as much attention to what they write and they can still buy a house. Plenty of them don't give a rat's ass about ethics either, tell you what. Big test tomorrow on Physiology too -- have to remember how humans go pee and where the mitral valve is. I've got the PowerPoint slides, so it should be okay. Something is due tomorrow though ... and I really don't remember what it is. There, I'm a college student at last. Screw grades. YEAH. pass the beer bong, I'm goin' in.

Speaking of ethics, Hobbes and Kant ...

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