Monday, March 10, 2008

Pudon yer dancin' shoes, bisches!

I gotta say, I kinda missed seeing the fighting French couple in this week's Horrible People.

But it still made tea come out my nose.

Hey, nice Marmot
Dude, the rain gear from the cousin/roommate is the Christmas gift that keeps on giving. It was rainy and I had a vague meegraine, so I almost took the bus home from school today, but rode it and was rewarded with the smell of flowers blooming and wet pollen in the trees. The Marmot jacket and Hammer pants (can't touch this) ... how did I live without you for so long? PS: It's weird how I can be dressed like a clown (powder blue jacket, black Babu pants, turquoise shoes on a red bike) and still have cars not see me as they turn right ... fecking cosmic justice, man. I'll never get my karma back.

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