Tuesday, February 12, 2008

kooky hooky

I'm supposed to be writing my film paper (Godard's use of jump cuts), but I can't seem to make it all come together. I'm actually supposed to be at work because, technically, since I'm out of school at 3 I can ride my bike back to work to be there to close the day ... but, man, I can't do it. I was hysterical yesterday just thinking of how far behind I am at school and how I could use this time for school stuff, and here I am blowing it off. But the sun came out today for the first time in weeks and thinking about Godard is really ridiculous. And I just saw that my friend D Wilton commented way back on a post and I didn't even see it, which reminds me that I don't talk to friends anymore or do anything but write papers and study the number of light-years in a parsec and what excites an electron and junk like that, and training two people at the same time and that's hard and dealing with weird morale issues in the office and that's harder and what the hell kind of life is this?

So I'm going to go watch some YouTube.

Or Oprah.

Or drink a Guinness.

Or watch Oprah on YouTube while I drink a Guinness. That's what all of my fellow students do. It's time I tapped into that lifestyle, man. Look! It's 4:20 whoooooooooooooooooo!

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