Saturday, December 01, 2007

I Who Know Nothing

La Lars talked me into the Site Meter for the blog and at first it was really depressing because every day it had 0 visits.

Total 0
Average per day 0
Average visit length 0:00

And then Deepfry left a message on the post and I figured out that I hadn't figured it out because I didn't link it because I'm estoopid. doh!

And speaking of dough, I get all kinds of referrals from people looking into how to make a potica, but they spell it just like I did: patitza. I feel a kinship growing with these strangers. I wish I had more to offer than the somewhat shallow creation documentation and link to the video (click here), but I really have no idea how it's made, my friends, and I like to keep it that way. Potica is magic at the hands of my cousin, and if I want to believe it's made of fairy dust and cheese and pastry and some harmful addictive substance, well ... that's all I have to offer.

I have to study for finals now. Keppler's laws and how they explain the worker's control of the means of production on the high-pressure atmosphere of Venus where they make Walmart shirts at 3 cents an hour.

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