Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Almost one year to the day of the Thanksgiving rear-ender, I got tagged again. This time the other driver has insurance, but was trying to save money for her wedding. Dude, why do I get all the boo-hoo people going after my bumper? I felt sorry for her (especially because of the string of obscenities I let fly in her direction when I got out of the car) until she said I had writing like her friend -- was I Becky's mom?

pfft man, I've got to dye my hair.

Anyway, no pictures because we didn't have the camera and I still really have no idea how the camera works on the phone, but you can look at last year's photos and get the idea. This time it wasn't a Geo, but a 97 Jetta ... which, in terms of how the hood buckles, means that they're about the same. Both of her headlights were crushed and we told her to call a tow-truck because it sounded like the radiator was popped. Me? No outside damage, but it's got that rattle again, which probably means waiting for a exhaust system part at Midas again.


Deepfry said...

when i lived in ann arbor, i was rear-ended by a woman who was "lost and trying to orient herself by looking at the buildings." she was visiting from out of town. her divorce lawyer, with whom she'd become involved, had just had open heart surgery at the UMich hospital and she was on her way to see him. she had two sons and her car insurance was so expensive. luckily, she'd just picked up payment for her divorce lawyer boyfriend's services from a client. this client, a liquor store owner, paid in booze rather than cash. she asked if, instead of dealing with cops and insurance, i would just take as much alcohol from the trunk of her SUV as i wanted.

oy. i don't think so. i was not at all interested in her sob story. rather, her story was great, but no way was i going to do what she wanted.

li'l hateful said...

That's the best story EVER. (did she have any bourbon?) I was hit in LA by someone who not only didn't have insurance, but she was in the country illegally from Romania. Luckily I was driving a Hyundai at the time, so it didn't matter.