Monday, September 03, 2007

What level Wiki?

Being 40 and single has many drawbacks: anniversary presents for other people, dinner parties and weddings with no date, listening to discourses on why autonomy is bad (no, really, that happened the other night. It was one of those "what the f...?" moments) ...

But when one of your exes has their own Wikipedia page, where is that in the level of low? I mean, it's not that the breakup was bad (in fact, I just stopped using his bathrobe, which was gifted to me during the end-days -- it's one of those nice terry robes that they seem to only make for men. And, not to digress, but how is that felt-cotton-fluffy stuff they make women's robes out of supposed to be good for getting out of the shower?? I hate robes that stick to you. Took me all this time to find a suitable terry replacement in a women's robe) or that there are leftover feelings because we weren't really couple of the year and all, but it's like he's done better after the breakup or because of it. Yeah, it's been 13 (14?) years, but where the hell's my Wiki page?

Not like I've done anything to ... you know ... merit one, but still ... I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

Taij said...

If it makes you feel any better, his wife's got a bigger page than he does. Some coattail riding perhaps?

To be honest, I don't even remember the guy. Maybe that makes you feel better too...