Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What are the cosmic moral implications of training your cat to behave like a dog? She comes when she's called, she greets me at the door, she does tricks, but she still pees in a box and sleeps all day, so I don't see it as really changing Nature ... just sort of changing it. Have I earned a place in Heaven or Hell?

Last interview at work today -- interviewing people can be a weird gig. I'm asking the hard questions (why are you leaving your present job? Do you mind working all day without a break?) and doing all the background explanation about what we do and what the position entails, but I feel like I should be giving them more. "Look, this job will steal your soul. Are you prepared for that?" But I don't want to be like my old boss Bob and ask things like "Are you a Capitalist?" and crap of that nature. The best information he got from a candidate was "Do you know who her favorite author is?" (me: "No, Bob, we only talked about the job") "Dickennnnsssssson...?" (me: "Is that Dickens or Dickenson?" He didn't know, but told me to hire her based on that and the fact that her father had worked for Boeing.)

Fah ... this is the last one for this job, and it's someone with my name, so if she's hired we'll have to screen the phone calls with "Do you want Karen H or Caryn S?" but maybe I'll just give it to her straight: People yell at you, are intensely unreasonable and will treat you like a stupid robot who lives in Pakistan. Do you think you'll be okay with that for X salary? Honest, we have a coffee maker, Vanity Fair Magazine in the roomy restroom and you get Christmas Day off. What do you say?

Then, at the end of it, I'm comin' home to "Evil Eye" (and some Star Trek thing....).

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