Wednesday, September 12, 2007

once more onto the bus, dear friends, once more

Summer's ending. I can tell because the air is dryer and school kids are already hauling their crap back into town.

We have traffic. That only happens when the kids come back to town.

And I've already printed out my syllabus for Writing for the Media -- it's 44 pages.


I pictured this class being the fun Journalism class, the one where you actually get to pop out a bit of writing and sell the story with that Lois Lane kind of gusto. Based on the syllabus, it's like Info Hell without the annotating. Which, I guess, is okay. The worst part of Info Hell was the annotating and the easiest was writing the paper, so ... eh.

My books for this term total $250.00.

blows, dude.

It's all starting over again in less than 2 weeks. No more time off ... no more laying on the couch and watching "Fantasy Island" through On Demand ... fehhh school.

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