Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Patriot Day

This just posted on the work chat line:
My company annually purchases your Monthly reminders and I would like to qualify why you do not show Patriot Day on today September 11th? the back page says (deleted manufacturer's name -- not my company, by the way) Printed in the USA

Possible responses:
- Because it's not a fecking holiday
- Because it conflicted with Oreo Cookie Day
- Because we're communist bastards. Problem with that?

Other events of the week: bad cold (can I have a week where stuff doesn't fall apart demmit?), hot in library (melted my Vicks Vapo-Rub), and ... erm ... oh yeah! WENT TO IKEA!

That's the bestest place in the world.


Taij said...

The free calendar that I got from my realtor says that today is Patriot Day, so somebody must think today is a holiday. My calendar doesn't say where it was printed, though....

I say it isn't not a holiday unless government workers get the day off and/or it involves a lot of heavy drinking, and right now, "Patriot Day" doesn't qualify.

li'l hateful said...

I'm really against the tragedy-as-holiday thing. Except for Easter, but that's religious tragedy-as-holiday, which means celebrating with plenty of rich, tasty food.

That, and I don't recall ever seeing Pearl Harbor Day on the calendar.

That's all I'm sayin'.

li'l hateful said...

Oh, and getting bitched out by some yahoo going around demanding proof of patriotism really ticks me off.