Thursday, April 19, 2007

G-A-N-K : Gank

Fecking students keep getting into houses before we do. We looked at a second one today and were told that a list of people had seen it ahead of us. These are places that only just opened for rent -- the one we looked at yesterday had only opened up YESTERDAY and we were already behind 2 other sets of renters in the approval process ("If they decide they don't want it, we'll give you a call.")

I offered to throw a wad of cash at the landlady in this second house. She seemed both shocked and excited all at the same time. I felt dirty.

The place is big and spacious, but apparently a herd of rhino just moved out. I'll still claw, beg and shell out $3200 for it though. Why?

Forced. Air. Gas. Heat.

fecking paradise in Eugene, man.

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