Monday, April 16, 2007

ABC - Always Be Closing

Aside from buying a new paper towel holder (why is that always necessary?), the worst part of moving is the dough you've got to fork out on move-in fees.

We're looking at a house today and if we like it here's what we have to come up with to seal the deal:
$925 1st month
$850 security
$300 pet (dude, she's just a cat)
$125 cleaning
$75 carpet
cha-ching: $2275 / 2 = $1137.50 ea

Which will, in short, empty my bank account. We get $200 ea back on this place, but I'm sure we'll need that to buy a new paper towel holder.

So, to my friends and family who have not received birthday presents or only received a card at Christmas, I want to say thank you for giving me a roof over my head. My lack of time management ("what? it's your birthday today??") with regard to birthdays/holidays/important occasions has made this move possible.

Vegas ... well, this leaves me about $34.50 for gambling in Vegas and lots of opportunities for hanging out at the pool. Allora...

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