Thursday, April 12, 2007

the heave-ho

Landlord sent us a note today. He's selling the house in June and we have to be out by the end of May. The sweet pea I just planted is starting to shoot, my anemone has risen from the dead of winter and is showing signs of new growth, the daisies I put in last year have doubled and Golden Showers has 4 times as many roses on it than it had last year and the white fly hasn't come back to eat it yet! Cahhhhhhhhh we'll have to move the remains of the boonie, Sarafina, lovingly put to rest in the back yard.

It's daunting and painful, although I'm not as panicked now as I was at noon today. But, feck! I'm going to miss this place. It's wee and cold in the winter (cold right now in fact), but it's been home for almost 4 years and I've gotten used to it.

[So it goes.]


Anonymous said...

Speaking of landlords...

Anonymous said...

uhh...try this url

li'l hateful said...

I. Put. You. On. The. Street.
(dude, I peed my pants)

Anonymous said...

I need to get my drink on.