Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Quarterly Report

3 months down, 9 to go. Not a bad year so far. Grades came in 2 A's and 2 B's, which is legit and better in some ways than expected, but it means that I rated a B- or C on my final project in J204 (went in with an A-). Whatever. I never have to take that class again, so I won't go on about how I WORKED MY ASS OFF on the project, because I'm bigger than that.

My Friday nights are free for sleeping now, instead of sitting in front of a flippin' Mac at school, and that's all that matters.

This time off is making me extra cranky about work though. 8 hours of people barking at me on the phone with stupid questions ("When am I getting my order?" It's scheduled for delivery today. "Can't I get it any faster than that?" or last week's favorite: "Do you have any Jamaicans working there?" what the f...?). T'ai Chi Man says I should keep the Dalai Lama in mind and consider these customers as people who are "helping me with my patience". I wonder how long the Dalai Lama would last in retail. You know that mommy-swap show? There needs to be (if there isn't already) a work-swap show. The D.L. and I can trade. Or the Pope. I've always wanted to be the Papal See. It would look good on business cards.

L'il Hateful
Papal See
Seeing the world for over 1,000 years

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