Monday, March 20, 2006

Sto ditchendo

I left work at noon -- after getting barked at by some woman in Brooklyn -- with the intention of studying for the Italian final ... but I'm feeling pretty comfortable with la lingua and now I'm just plain ol' ditching work. There's nothing on TV though (so, why not blog!) which makes it less fun than that time when I ditched work and Mal and went to the sticky-foot to see "jackass".

The term in summary: I suppose it's pretty evident that I'm happy to see the back of it, but in pausing to reflect on the ups and downs and *way* downs of my classes, I'm left with the philosophical emptiness of academia. What is the point to learning that China isn't a backwards country? Who still thinks they are? Although maybe there are still people out there that imagine China as third world -- there may even be people in China who think we're cowboys in America. I don't know. Where it's gets me as a student is still a mystery. Maybe I just need to get into one of those damned Journalism classes and that will make it all worthwhile. One day I won't be in the last group to register. I know it. And maybe then it'll make sense. Until that day I guess I'll just keep ditching work, watch some TCM On-Demand movies and deal accordingly. But, wow, what I pay that college (or what the government pays until I pay the government) to sit and get insulted, bored and irritated ... crimany, it's mind-boggling.

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