Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Power to the Peapod, Right On

My notice about making the Dean's List came on Saturday and since that's turning into a 1-time deal (you need a 3.75 or better ... fffffft dude, no way) I decided to reward myself with an MP-3 Player.

Ladies and Gentlemen ... the Sony Walkman NW-E305:

It's not a great player, and, based on the Amazon reviews, it can break pretty easily, but it sure beats carrying around a cd player and a bag full of cd's. I can now carry books that are so essential to my academic progress.

The kid at Target (who resembled the Krusty Burger kid on the Simpson's "I'll have to get my manager, sir") told me all about his $300 i-Pod (that sounds like some kind of modern pick-up ... Is that an i-Pod in your pocket or...?) and how it holds more music and has video and yah yah yah. Why I didn't get an i-Pod?

Because I'm not a robot, that's why! I don't need your corporate agenda, you clone!

And I couldn't afford it.


Anonymous said...

L'il Hateful is the most entertaining blog on the net. It's a laugh-out-loud ride through a circus fun house. Watch out People Magazine.

Michael T. Mahoney said...

I have an i-pod. It is the best gift I bought for my wife in a long time.