Friday, January 27, 2006

God is Love - Love is Blind - Ray Charles is Blind - Ray Charles is God

I was on the bus the other day with one of my instructors from last term -- Laura. She taught Comp. Lit and was the one that had us read books from the Caribbean (which was really good for the most part). She said that she'd had me marked for a Literature major, but I told her there was no money in that. When I tossed off my standard line about majoring in journalism so I could get a job at People, she went down the serious road: "Are you serious? Do you think a degree from UofO will help you with that? I mean, have you thought about how to get one of those jobs?"

Well, jaysis jaysis, people have those jobs now, don't they? So there must be a way to get one.

Which got me thinking ... oversimplifying prospects and then cluttering them later with analysis is the way I usually do everything. It's most likely the reason I'm still single. (i.e.: "There's got to be someone out there for me" ... to ... "So he says that we can go out sometime, but does he mean sometime soon or next week? Should I ask him? Or is that being too forward? But if I'm not forward is he going to lose interest ..." etc ...)

Which got me thinking ... maybe I should over-analyze first and get it out of the way.

Which got me thinking ... wait, I do that anyway. So maybe I should let go of the expectations and let it come naturally. Until the student loans come due and I find myself still working my crap job and still going to bed alone at 7:30 on a Friday night.

Which got me thinking of sleep.
Then thought became action.
Does this make me a Taoist?


Michael T. Mahoney said...

How long can you hold your breath in a pool of self-pity?

li'l hateful said...

I'm going for the record.