Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Platelet count: 39
Tumor shrunk 1.8 cm.

So that's a big f--you to cancer, yeah?

It's nice to know that the weird facial hair, hot flashes and missing the Vegas trip have actually had positive results. For a while there I was getting weepy and depressed. (Yeah, I know! weird.) And in the weepy and depressed mode, I set little weepy and depressed goals for myself, thinking "If I could just make it to the World Cup," "If I could just make it to my birthday," etc...

This is my new goal:

Comin' with me? It'll be so cool.

If only we had IMAX in Eugene.


Wuh said...

Oh my God, I'm already at the theater, saving a seat. It will be rad indeed. Maybe we should watch the old timey one with Jeff Bridges, first? I loved that movie as a kid, but I fear it won't hold up.......

li'l hateful said...

You know it's bound to hit BluRay before December. We need to watch it up right.

Deepfry said...

I might not make it to Eugene, but you can count on me being in a theater on December 17, with a popcorn and a diet coke in hand. Holy smokes.

Mr. Bascomb said...

Oh, Yeah!..."Tron" was my first time ever getting high. Passed the pipe around in my friend's conversion van in the theater parking lot. Thing is, I gotta figure a way to get you down here for the most righteous IMAX 3D experience...Saw my first one recently, Toy Story III, it was freakin' AWESOME!...Let me tell you, 3D's gotten a lot better since the days of "Comin' At Ya!"

li'l hateful said...

Do they have IMAX in the Midwest? Deepfry, you've got to live my dream because I don't think I'm going to get down to San Diego for a visit with Mr. B. But you bring up a valid point, Mr. Bascomb: Modern technology is awe-inspiring, but how can it possibly top the simple joys of the clunky-yet-child-like "Jaws 3-D"?

Deepfry said...
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Deepfry said...

Chicago has AWESOME IMAX and . . . better pizza! you should join me in the Midwest. Otherwise, we'll have to get a group together to re-enact the entire movie in *real* 3D in your home. we can even ship proper Chicago deepdish pizza out to Eugene. We'll just re-create the midwest in your living room. ...you should consider that a very serious threat.

Hilary said...

Duuuuuude! We got yer IMAX 3D right here in Atlanta. And a bevy of nerds all stoked up to see Son of Tron with you.