Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Not Quite a Romanov

Platelet Count: 26

That's not too bad really. Okay, it's not great, but at least it didn't hit bottom and that's good for something. Got 2 more shots of faslodex yesterday and those are a little painful today, but I found that making stupid chit-chat with the nurse during the shot process makes it go a little faster. "Really? They can give you a ticket for trick-or-treating over the age of 12? Well, I'll tell you, in my neighborhood someone was giving out full-size candy bars and I almost went out there with a pillowcase..."

So, yeah, all this and no surprises --- no, you know there's always something new, some nutty surprise moment of "what the?" that has to happen. I am now "slightly anemic" which means that the red count is low, but not vampire low. It dropped .1 is all (37.9 = good; 37.8 = a little bit not so good) and is another red mark on my blood count sheet. Just one more thing to keep an eye on. I guess I have plenty of white cells ... for now. Yeesh. But no bone marrow biopsy in the foreseeable future. I tell you, every time he says he's going to do it my platelets stabilize.

Anyway, speaking of vampires, we watched Let the Right One In last night and it was really sweet. Okay, a little violent and stuff, but very sweet all the same. I've heard the American version is a straight-forward remake, which leads me to think that a) it's nice that someone saw the value in this one, but b) are Americans really that shallow that we have to remake a movie made last year just to get around having to read subtitles? Oy.


Hilary said...

Your still royalty to me.

Hilary said...

Your still royalty to me.