Friday, March 12, 2010


This year's Platelet Disorder Support Association conference is in Las Vegas. I'm going to miss out again and look at these great topics:
  • For Teens Only
  • I Had a Splenectomy: What Does That Mean for My Future?
  • The Pros and Cons of Dietary Supplements
  • Why Am I so Tired?

Stupid cancer is already taking away all my fun.


Kelly said...

What a bummer. I know you'd skip the tables to hear about someone's spleendectomy. I think you should host a panel at next year's--what would you call it??

Kelly said...

Ooops-I sais "spleendectomy." I guess I mean splenectomy. Sorry to offend...

li'l hateful said...

"What's it like without a spleen? Are you tired all the time --- oh wait, that's at a different table. Sorry."

Wuh said...

Hey, why travel when you can buy a DVD of the 2009 conference for the low, low price of only $50 plus s&h! What a bargain. Some of the highlights include Steroids, IVIG, IV Anti-D, Splenectomy, Rituxan, TPO-Agonists” with Drs. James Bussel, Andra James, Howard Liebman & Michael Tarantino and “Living with ITP, Success Stories” with Barbara Pruitt & Joan Young.

I guess you already know what you're getting for your birthday.....