Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Movie Nearly Every Night: Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity (2009)
Dir.: Oren Peli
Starring: Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat, Mark Fredrichs

The happy couple (before the eeeeeeeeee-vil.)
courtesy of

That's right, I went out to the show. I left the couch, got in the car, met up with some girlfriends and took in a real picture on a real movie screen. Don't believe me? I've still got gummy fruit snacks in my purse.

Sure, it was scary. I had chicken skin for some of it. Some of it is a little ponderous, and that's kind of okay when you're building up for scary, but I wouldn't want to sit through it again knowing when stuff happens and when it doesn't -- or I'd see it again while baking cookies so I could go out and come back. It might be a good knitting movie. Katie knits in the movie, so it's like a stitch-n-bitch in a way.

The best parts (without ruining anything) are definitely the fire and the no-credits credits. Blank screen. And we sat there for 2, 3 minutes waiting for something and nothing happened. No stars, no editing, no best boy -- nothin'. In an age of credits that last longer than the movie, that's pretty cool and that we were willing to wait for it is kind of a credit to a movie that makes you wait for everything. The other stuff, the home-made video idea, was already sort of blown with The Blair Witch Project, which was fun in its way, with the sounds separated from the action depending on where the microphone was. Here it's all got the aura of having been done before, which makes it hard to buy completely into the "this was a true story" extra spice that might have made it scarier.

Mostly, though, I liked it for the couple. Watching two isolated people bump around a closed space for 90 minutes is kind of interesting.

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