Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sorry, haven't watched a movie since we sent back The Wrestler because we've been watching the Monty Python documentary every night on IFC. It's sometimes interesting and sometimes really, really irritating --- because who really gives a f*** what Russell Brand has to say? He's totally clueless and covers it up with a lot of useless noise and wild gesturing, like "I'm going to say something! Something really pertinent! Because I know it! I know ... um ... yeah, so ... about me --- HA HA HA." But Steve Coogan does a perfect Piranha Brothers sketch and I would never have guessed that Eric Idle was the one to organize everything. (That Michael Palin is a very nice person is not so big of a shock.)

Anyway, in the second segment they ask a list of comedians to name their favorite sketch from the show and they falter ---- edited faltering I think, because the cousin/roommate and I came up with one right away:

"I told you to lay off the beans, you whore!"


T said...

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

li'l hateful said...

Upper Class Twit of the Year rates pretty highly as well, but The Visitors kills me every time. Oh yeah, and the one with Mr. Hilter and the North Minehead Bye-Election ("I don't like the sound of these boncentration bamps")