Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A Movie Nearly Every Night: Petey Wheatstraw

Petey Wheatstraw (The Devil's Son-In-Law) (1977)
Dir: Cliff Roquemore
Starring: Rudy Ray Moore, Jimmy Lynch, Leroy & Skillet, Ebony Wright

Oh man, oh man ... this was recommended a long time ago by Reverend Dick and it finally came through Netflix. So happy.

There is no philosophizing here. There is no deeper meaning. There is only one man's journey from kung fu child to comedian to, yes, becoming the devil's son in-law. It's a strange trip in many, many, many ways and I've decided that no picture or two pictures or three will do this motion picture the justice it deserves. T'anks God for YouTube:

(from seat850c)

This scene actually troubled me a little. He's using the devil's cane to save the first kid (which irritates the devil later: "That boy was MINE") and then gets randomly pummled by some other kid in, what are those? Are those Asics Onitsuka Tigers? Righteous. And he makes the little one cry by trying to comb his hair.

Petey Wheatstraw: Good man? Bad man?

Friends, what does it matter as long as you look good doin' it

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