Saturday, August 15, 2009

At least you've got your health

I like the Wii Fit, don't get me wrong. I like when it tells me my Wii Fit age is 22, because that's pretty satisfying. But it's a real jerk sometimes. It asked me today if I wanted to "review my sleep habits," which I've done before. It consists of the machine asking you how many hours you sleep at night and then telling you how wrong that is. So I said "No." "Well, you might want to think about it." This is a plastic board that sits on the floor telling me this. It shut up when I scored perfect on the walking test. Usually it asks if I trip when I walk.

So that's how I start my day, followed by a trip to my bathroom where the fan -- I swear -- smells like BO when it runs. The cousin/roommate doesn't believe me.
"It smells like a taxi driver."
"Oh yeah, what's his name?"
"Does he have a beard?"
"So what's his sign?"
"Scorpio, maybe Saggitarius."
"You're making it up, K. I don't smell a thing."

Okay, so I don't care about my sleep habits, I'm Wii 22 and I'm crazy. Boh. And my platelets dropped to 39, but my weight dropped to 140, so there's a kind of Zen balance there.

I started to scan the photos. Here's one of my great-grandmother. Mom says she looks like me, but I think we just have the same way of pursing our lips (she tends to keep her eyes open).

And this little cutie is my grandmother (before she hit the Busby Berkeley chorus line):

It's so funny how pictures capture kids' expressions that you later see in them as adults. I don't think any of us really changes. We all just get taller.

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