Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Wii played

Rather than pay my rent, I'm going to blog about the weekend.

The cousin/roommate's parents were in town and we showed them a pretty good time -- which translates to: we spent the most of the time inside the house exercising with the Wii. Another set of parents gets seduced by the power of Nintendo. My parents are saving their Social Security up to buy one and now the c/r's folks have gone back to Hawaii with the intention of getting a Wii and the Wii Fit that goes with it. They love the yoga and the push up/plank (I know! who likes that one?) and the fact that it tells them that their Body Mass Index is "normal" while every morning the c/r and I hear "that's overweight" in that child's voice, like a 4 year-old is telling you some obvious yet embarassing truth in the middle of a shopping mall.

They also got into Rock Band, which was fun. We'd never had a vocalist before, but they sold Pat Benatar's "Heartbreaker" solid. Couldn't get them to do Styx's "Renegade" though -- had to sucker the cousin into it.

Now they're gone and we're back at work and we don't get Friday off for some reason, and Saturday is the 4th of July and I'm trying hard not to be cynical because we're a new country now, but I've spent years smirking at "I'm proud to be an AMERICAIN where at least ah know ahm FREEEEEEEEE," so to realize that maybe now, yes, I am kinda proud of my country, it feels a lot like the semi's jack-knifed on the overpass and I'm still waiting for the tow truck to help me straighten out.


Wuh said...

Hi lh,

Excellent blog posts as evah, but my burning question is: do you, oh college graduate, still use your uoregon account? I just sent you a message and am now doubting you will receive it.

I await with baited breath:

li'l hateful said...

I still have it, but I don't check it because I'm afraid of it going away -- that sad moment when I go to log in and it denies me access. I will check it now.