Monday, June 01, 2009

"UK singing star Susan Boyle suffering exhaustion"

Honey, I know how she feels.

This multimedia project is a b... I now only have 3 tracks of sound to mix because 5 wouldn't meld into a 2 1/5 minute show, but then I've got to line the mixed sound up with the slideshow so that she's not describing A while we see picture B. Man oh man. I was sitting in front of a Mac for 3 hours yesterday trying to make it work -- that's after spending 5 hours sitting at the office getting told by a-holes on the chat line that I don't really work for the company I work for, I actually work for the company that they were looking for and I just didn't know because I must be new. Man oh man, I can't wait to have weekends off.

But things have improved on the home beautification project (aka: putting crap away). Thanks to the cousin/roommate, we now have a lovely TV stand and soon our records will be in neat shelving units instead of stacked against the walls of the red room. AND we bought a badminton set. We are thisclose to being ready to receive the family -- well, family with the possible exception of the little brother who has to decide whether or not he's coming up for my graduation. I can't get over my pissed-off-ness that he will have to "let me knoe" whether or not he's coming. How painful is that? I went to both of his weddings, no questions asked. At the first one I had to sleep in someone else's bed that had 4 half-filled pints of water hidden at various locations around the sheets. The shower had more hair than I did. I was stoned at his second wedding -- but, still, I was there and in it and performed the role of taxi driver for guests (yeah, it's a mystery why, but people seemed to think I was okay to drive them back and forth to the motel).

But I digress from the rant ... although now I'm not as pissed off because I was remembering what it was like to be stoned. Those were the days.

Maybe he'll change his mind (or make it up or do whatever he needs to do) and come, but the hurt's already happened and I'll probably end up crying either way, because that's what I do.

I really need some sleep. Kel, you're right. I don't know how I do it either. I'm going to wake up next week in one of those Matrix pods and realize it's all been some computer programmed reality, I know it.


dwilton said...

When do you walk?

li'l hateful said...

Saturday the 13th. Come on out. I'm thinking of getting an ice luge.

dwilton said...

Ice luge. Classy. Is your fam coming up?

li'l hateful said...

Ice luge ... or maybe a bouncy house. Everyone's coming except Matt, who, as of today, still hasn't decided on it. Peepaw and Meemaw rented a 24' motorhome so they could bring the other little brother. Sad that the dachshund can make it, but the real brother can't.

Wuh said...

Your real brother is acting like a giant tool, and if he comes, he will suffer the wrath of my Stink Eye of Dooooooom! DOOOOOOMMMMMMM!

doomAn ice luge? Really?

Taij said...

Just for the record, the other real brother planned on coming months ago, so just make sure the stink eye treatment gets inflicted on the correct bro. And I don't mean the dog.

You were stoned at wedding #2? I didn't notice. Perhaps it was because I was too busy trying to keep my bride-to-be at the time from inflicting her wrath on anybody within 20 feet of her. She was chock full of stink eye that day. Both of us could have used some of that weed.

li'l hateful said...

Oh yes -- Correction:

In order by age -- there is the Real brother and the "real" brother and the dachshund brother. And yes, the Real brother was booked and in way back. That's because he's family n' stuff.

Wuh said...

Oh no, Taji, you will not be in the path of my stink eye (AKA The Hairy Eyeball), I assure you. You have be a swell fellow. You have sat in my backyard and enjoyed beverages served on a tiny, crappy little table. I promise to aim my Evil Eye elsewhere, though it can be a little wonky after a couple of trips down the ice luge.....


Taij said...

Thank you both for clarifying everything - though I think the dashshund brother may be the oldest one now, dog years and all.