Friday, March 20, 2009

One Term Weft

Hey laughing boy ...

Finished up Econ yesterday with a solid B (low B on the final, but high B's/low A's on the other stuff, so I figure in my math terms that equals passing). Done. Done. Done.

Oh with one more term to go. We get to use Canon SLR's in the photo class next term. (Wuh -- isn't that what you have?) They're not a bad little camera, but somewhat spendy. I really, really, really, really want one -- can I keep it? Probably not. Maybe this weekend, depending on what comes back from the student loan this term, we'll start camera shopping. I'm running out of patience with the police department here and while we can probably wait longer on the Blu-Rays, not knowing if the camera is even in the crime lab or not is super frustrating. We should upgrade from the Pentax anyway.

These are my justifications and I'm sticking to them. We're buying a Canon.

So Spring Break starts today and I'm going to work and then tomorrow we're going to Ikea in Portland. That's my break. Next week I'm house-sitting for the cousin who is going to Georgia to look for a job with her husband who already has a job. I like their pets much, but their shower will be torn out and they don't have Playstation, but they have gas appliances, so I guess it balances out.

After break it's the last go with U of O. I will be a marketable commodity in 4 months. wee. ha.


Anonymous said...

I do use a Canon "Sure Shot" 5.
Steven just bought one on eBay for a flippen song, so do ask him for his secret (one song=$60).

We can be Flickr buddies, maybe yes?

li'l hateful said...

Oh man ... Flickr ... I'm barely one step above using an Instamatic. This is going to be hard. Maybe I should take one of those free Flickr libarry classes.

Anonymous said...

I've heard the woman who teaches those Flickr classes is a complete and total nut, but it's free, so why not?

You'll have to tell me what she's like, and if her hair really is as high as they say....