Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Now that I'm done freaking out

Thank you all -- yes, we're safe-ish. Somewhat depressed and angry, but safe. Veda appears unscathed and remains cuddly.

So the cop finally came last night and took pictures and I was able to put things back and found my grandmother's anniversary ring at the bottom of my sock drawer. Maybe because the box was white, I don't know, but they skipped over it and it's going into a safe deposit box today along with my Social Security card (found safe, t'anks God) and my vehicle license.

Sure, a lot of stuff can be replaced -- although where we'll get another copy of Om Shanti Om is a mystery -- but a lot of it is just gone. My grandmother's grammar school graduation ring, some glassy gaudy costume jewelry that belonged to my great grandmother -- worthless to anyone else but me and I can't replace it. And we have to go to work today and that's really going to suck. We have to leave and get on with it all and lock down and that's just plain irritating.


I've got a local game shop in town on the look out for our stuff (because, really, you're not going to find too many people trading in a Bollywood BluRay movie with a Formula 1 game) and I hope they call me before they call the cops. I'd like to go collect on it personally

with a baseball bat.

I can't believe they took a Starbucks card. That's so petty-weird.

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