Monday, January 12, 2009

And then the worst year got even worse

Thieves broke into the house. They stole the Playstation. They took all of our BluRays and all of our games. They took my great-grandmother's pearls. They took our camera. They took my grandmother's ruby and diamond ring that my grandfather gave her for their 50th wedding anniversary. They rifled through my underwear and pulled stuff out from under my bed. They went through my closet.

They took the Starbucks card my mom gave me for Christmas.

They let the cat out. She came back.

They left the computer. I had the mini Dell with me at school. They left the big TV and the Rock Band instruments.

They took away all of the sleep I was going to get tonight, tomorrow night and the next night and the next.


reverend dick said...

I am so sorry. I'm glad y'all are ok.

Anonymous said...

and to think you moved to a "safer" house than where you lived before. Man oh man. Good thing you have a heavy TV. I too am glad to you and cousin/roommate are alright.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! We must talk! I'll email you tomorrow, and if you want to get together sometime very, very soon, we shall. The strong drink's on me. Also the cheesefries. I am very relieved you and M. are OK, but Jaysus. I'll keep an eye out on Craigslist......creeps!

Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Oh no! Getting robbed is so horrible. Losing sentimental jewelry is the worst. So sorry it happened to you.