Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Und der Kittenbox mach ein grobe gehen

www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com. Proving once again that the internet is a wonderful and glorious tool.

Scraping the life back in order after California -- I still have Christmas cards to open and the cousin/roommate has already taken down the tree (Veda liked to climb it and pee on it, so...). I don't think I have clean clothes to wear to work today, which means dressing up in skirts n' junk.

It was a good if busy holiday. Family time is a special time full of anger, disappointment and envy, but travel means being able to finally read some non-school books: Ian Fleming's short stories ... dude ... 3 really good ones and some that just serve to expose Fleming's inner weirdo; Robert Wagner's autobiography, which I read in one day because I couldn't stop -- Barbara Stanwyck, that's all I'm sayin'. Pick it up. Read it now.; and I started Gene Wilder's "My French Whore" which is pretty delightful so far.

Flight Highlights:

- getting to the airport 2 hours before the flight (3:30 am) only to discover that airport employees don't start work until an hour before the flight
- getting docked $25 for my second suitcase after being told by email that it was only $15 and that was because gas prices were high and now that they're low again ... what the?
- sitting for an hour in Portland as they de-ice the plane twice and breathing in that toxic nastiness while the autistic woman next to me repeated random phrases like "Windows," "Posted Placards" and "Bathroom"
- oh yeah, she would repeat them by leaning over into my personal space to make sure I heard her
- coming back next to the extra-large man who wouldn't put down the arm rest and then proceed to try to sleep with his head on the tray table

But my luggage got to the carousel without underpants falling out, so all-in-all a successful journey.

Now I just really, really want to sleep.

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