Monday, September 08, 2008

Friday night I crashed your party/Saturday I said I'm sorry

Friday a realtor came to the house and showed it to people who asked un-landlord like questions like "Do those windows open?" and told me how they would definitely use the spare room for art projects. They spent 20 minutes on the lawn next to our open front door discussing the merits of living in our half of the duplex and renting the other side, that is if they can get the current owner to knock another $20k off the price. (It's not too big of a stretch to think that he will, because he just wants out from under it.)

That night we went over to our friends' house and played Bauhaus records and drank -- although with the ITP I had only one glass of wine and how fun to be the only sober one in the drunk room: "You knowha yer prollem is? Yer fraid ufah goo time." yeah yeah yeah.

Saturday morning I found a house on Craig's List. It's HUGE, but cheap, but needs a lot of work, but it has a yard for the cat to play in, but one room has red loop carpeting, but it has a dinette kitchen and a 2-car garage that will (sweah ta Gawd) actually fit 2 cars. The landlady has never rented to strangers before and was asking me things like "Do you think I'm charging too much?"

I'm going to call her today to accept it, which means we're looking to move in 2 weeks so it can be done before school starts. I don't know how these things happen. One minute I'm relaxing in the prospect of a whole month without school and now I'm boxing up books and counting pennies to see if I can put down the deposit. I think I got about 2 hours of sleep last night.

Last word: Frank Rich's editorial in the New York Times pleased me.

That is all.


Unknown said...

Funny. We did the same thing yesterday--found an apartment, looked at the money account and are trying to scrape together the deposit, and are looking to move in about 2 weeks. Here's to parallel lives!

Except, you know, for the kids and the college, etc.

Lesli Larson said...

Hey. Let me know if you'd like schlepping help. We owe you guys!

li'l hateful said...

You know, this isn't the first time I've looked through jewelry with an eye to pawning it, but plasma donation is really always the most reliable payout ... feck! I wonder if the ITP rules that out. shee-yo.

And, oh yes, Larsen, we'll be calling -- and now we're neighbors n' junk! We're even closer for the pumpkin carving event and possible Halloween-themed housewarming.

Hey, and what a shock, the landlord emailed us back yesterday and said the duplex was being sold. I f#*(&%ing knew it.

Lesli Larson said...

Where's the new place??? Send email with details.. Chaz awaits a visit to the new place. Halloween last year with that strange dvd programming was the best ever.

Just let me know when you need help. We even have a dolly for loan.