Sunday, June 08, 2008

Why does it always happen during finals?

Hello [li'l hateful] and [cousin/roommate] –

I have decided to put your duplex on the market and sell it. My realtor is [the Man]. I would like to have him come by and scout out the place next week. He can come either Tuesday 6/10 between 4p and 6p, or around midday on Thursday 6/12. Do either of those times work for you to let him in? Please contact [the Man] via email (cc’ed) or at [666-xxxx] as soon as possible.




Anonymous said...

Time to buy.

li'l hateful said...

Jaysis, no kidding, except with student loans and paying off that trip to Europe 10 years ago, the only thing I can afford is a double-wide (no tip-out). Gee, there's something about living with your male cousin in a trailer that smacks a little of Alabama...