Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Basically, I was just gonna say...

That's how most of my fellow students begin each sentence. They usually end with "or whatever" like that will absolve them from any responsibility in the sentence. ("Basically, I was just gonna say that the Earth revolves around the Sun, or whatever.")

Yes, I should be studying. Yes, the Economics final was today -- had a freakout at the start (and it was on a cost table, the only thing in the class I can really do confidently and it still freaked me out), so I skipped to the next section, maintained, and was able to return and balance out. I think I'll pass with a D. If I have to take it (or something like it) again, at least now I'll know how to figure the elasticity.

Basically, I was just gonna say, I know I should be studying for the film and astronomy finals, but I want it on the record that the Ashera designer cats really freak me out. I know, they're old news, but it's the first time they were Yahoo news, so it's the first I've seen of them, or whatever.

Nice use of the frilly model in the background to give a light, feminine, somewhat Euro touch to the photo. "Ees theese your veeceeous jungle cat? Oooh la la, may I geev heem a petteeng?"


reverend dick said...

Personal Jungle Cats! That's news to me. Do the cats have large talons? And, plus you can use them for a season, then get next year's model pet, and skin the Jungle Cat for a tasteful handbag while donating it's headless/pawless body to a vaguely European orphange which'll think it's lapin. Or whatever.

That's an amazing French accent you have.

li'l hateful said...

Fraynch?! Eet hees Eurotrash, not theese fraynch you speeak hof. Fer sure.