Sunday, February 03, 2008

B B See?

God bless the Eugene Public Library.

Not only did they have "Green For Danger" (Criterion as well ... I've got tingles), but they also have the beloved series "Danger UXB" as well as "Reilly: Ace of Spies" which I once watched all 12 episodes of one lost Sunday in San Francisco -- swear, all of a sudden it was 3 in the afternoon and I was still in a bathrobe sitting on my bed. I'd spent the entire morning and afternoon drinking coffee and eating PopTarts because it was on KQED so no commercial breaks to make real food in the kitchen downstairs (barely enough time for the bathroom, but the less said on that the better).

If only they had "The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin" -- that would be Great! Supah!

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