Thursday, January 24, 2008

Oh pet, my pet

So, I'm not a cat person. Honest. I don't have a collection of Life Magazines in the closest or fluffy pink sweatshirts or junk like that. I'm regular folk. But, man, this has been a really hard week to get through without something fluffy to welcome me home (barring cousin/roommate). I'm desperate for a replacement pet, and I almost picked one up at the animal shelter, but cousin/roommate noticed a wonky eye and made me step away. Not that I have to have the perfect pet, but I just don't think I can handle another dose of deciding whether an animal lives or dies. It's just not my thing. Can I just get one without a wonky eye, diabetes, kitty HIV or chiggers? Am I asking for too much?

To help through the week I've been failing classes, trying to finish "God's Chinese Son" (which is really good, but I keep running out of time in the day to read it), and sorting through "The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2007" edited by my hero, Dave Eggers. Among the tonic inside:

Best American Names of Horses Expected to Have Undistinguished Careers

Ayn Rand's Condescending Sigh
Exit Strategy
For the Love of God Run Faster
Hell is Other Horses
- and my favorite:
Tripsy McStumble

Go buy this book. Buy it now. Even if it's just for "Bathing Ed Asner" (that's all I'm sayin').


Mr. Bascomb said...

Goddamnit!...that list of racing horse names made me spit coffee on my keyboard...again!...I would like to second your urging to everyone else out there to read these collections...I got the one from last year, and it was, indeed, THE BOMB!...I will absolutely run right out to snag this one soon it hits the remainder bin.

Mr. Bascomb said...

I was saddened to hear about Cat. Our last cat, Nina (you remember...the boy cat, with the girl name...)just Mulder's sister. I scoured the neighborhood for a week, but came up with nothing...Of course, I always suspected the crazy, bee-keeper suit wearing lady whose backyard was opposite ours...All her lights would be on at 3 in the morning. And, she had this large cage-like structure on her patio that was always covered by a thick blanket...I shudder to think what was in it.

li'l hateful said...

You didn't scale the wall one night on the sly and sneak a peak? I would ... suitably armed with a pointy knife ... and a camera.

And, you know ... just thinking of the words "Tripsy McStumble" makes me giggle, which is embarrassing since it's usually when I'm alone on the bus. On a side note, that book was sitting on top of inspirational lit. at Costco and when we attempted to find more there were no other copies available ... quel mystery

Anonymous said...

dude...just catching up with your older posts...sorry to hear about the Cat. Our cat hates me (HATES! ME!) and I would still be all befuddled if anything happened to him. I'm supposed to be writing employee reviews...but I'm having more fun reading stuff on the web. Go figure. You know I just realized my current job is exactly like managing the bookstore...I'm still under paid, the people running this company are crazy and will eventually run it into the ground, and I'm still trying to motivate people who are way too smart and way under paid. What circle of hell do middle managers end up on?

li'l hateful said...

DUDE! I just got around to reading this. I suck. pfft middle-management ... what about lower management? I don't even get to write reviews, I just get to tell them "umm ... there's a cost of living increase ... sometimes ... but I'm not sure when." Blows.