Monday, January 14, 2008


Two things left off of the Oregon Week in Review:

The rain paints from REI are sweeeeeeeet sweetback. Thank you, Santa! And I broke my pedals on the bike on Day 3, but they were replaced with pedals from the cousin/roommate's dad's old bike (not a Schwinn) and they're nice, like safety first solid feckin' a nice. Don't get me wrong, I loved the old school Japanese craftsmanship of the Schwinn, and, in considering the overall appearance of the La Tour, they were certainly part of the ambiance, but they broke like glass. End of story. If only there was a bicycle pick-a-part ...

And, all things considered, after looking at them side-by-side ... for all his faults Wes Anderson is more entertaining than Vittorio de Sica. Man ... "The Bicycle Thief" is just a great big super double-bummer.

That is all.


reverend dick said...

Sweet sweetback? Hmmmm. Have you seen Petey Wheatstraw: The Devil's Son-in-law? Worth finding.

li'l hateful said...

I haven't -- but I see there's a special edition dvd out there. Hello, Netflix ...