Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Today's Daily Emerald Headline:

News: Giving from the heart

A $74.5 million gift from philanthropist Lorry Lokey, the largest donation to academics in the University's history, was announced Tuesday by President Frohnmayer

Things I would do if I had $74.5 million laying around:
- eat asparagus for dinner every night
- go to every Formula 1 race and gamble in Monaco
- go to the good movie theaters instead of the sticky-foot
- maybe finish school ... ... maybe
- buy fresh fish
- fly my lear jet up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the Sun

I'm just not sure that I'd give it to the University. Maybe that makes me a selfish jerk, I don't know. But I think I'd rather blow it on slot machines with mom than throw it at what's supposed to be a state-funded school. Unless it means that they finally fix the tampon machines in the student union and the Journalism building. I'd donate enough for that. Every single one of them is broken. You want to know how I know? You don't want to know how I know, but know that I know. They appear to work in the library, but since that's owned by Nike it's the least they can do -- since the books are all pre-1960. Today I was passing the shelves and found a copy of West Point Guidelines from 1911. Thank God that's available somewhere.


Deepfry said...

"-- since the books are all pre-1960."

Geez, l'il hateful, what are you doing, going to the library for books?? don't you know everything you need is online???

p.s. apparently, lorry lokey makes $20 million a year just in dividends from investments. which means he can easily give away $74.5 million to UO and do everything else on your list. and then pay for everyone you know to do everything on your list.

li'l hateful said...

cah ... what a life, man.