Thursday, August 23, 2007

flu you

I've had the worse, messiest flippin' flu since Tuesday night, but since I can only chew on the left side, eating hasn't really been as big a problem as it could be. If you suck on the saltines long enough they soften up, so it's okay.

What gets me is how quickly my bedroom broken into a complete sty. There are shoes all over the floor (honestly, how many pairs of shoes have I worn in 2 days ... I thought it was the same pair of sandals, and yet everything else is out and rolled over by the cat in her attempts to mate (unsuccessfully ... poor Cat) with them, various pieces of clothing on various pieces of furniture, and I haven't made the bed since Tuesday. The sheets are even pulled out on one corner.

And I don't care. I'm in no hurry to straighten any of it out, and I don't have to straighten any of it out, because it's my room. Mine alllllllllll mine. And that pleased me today.

Now I've got to go barf again. (sorry ... ladies don't barf ... we aren't well)

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