Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day

Haven't really been able to put anything away yet, but the plumbing works now and the refrigerator has been cleaned by the cousin/roommate, so we're good for today. It's a holiday weekend, so I'm not saying that everything will run smoothly, but for now we're all good. I should have the books sorted and shelved by mid-July.

In Memoriam:
Everything is now moved from the old house into the new house ... and I'll miss Jackson St. in some ways. Not so much in the winter, pretty though it is in this picture, but my room, which was not in the direct path of the fire-heat, was usually about 5 degrees colder than outside on days like this.

Still, it was yar.

Won't miss the screaming child on the left or the passive-aggressive bickersons on the right and their many, many, many, many, many home improvement projects. Sure, give me drug dealers any flippin' day of the week over that crap.

Before/After pictures coming soon.

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