Wednesday, April 04, 2007

yin and yang

the english class is going to be okay, so far. we're watching movies and reading books and i can dig that, so everything was balancing out from the emergency on monday and then my cd rom is broken in my history book and i can't find the effing receipt to effing return it and half of the effing class is on that effing cd and i've emailed my gtf to see if i can burn his disc, but i feel like i'm asking him to rob a bank or something even though it's not like i didn't buy the book and want the material, i paid my money and the book is fecking defective, so it's not against the law but it feels like it's against the law and i was a dork in italian today, which is not unusual in and of itself because it happens lots of times, but it was glaring and idiotic and that doesn't go well with me and it makes minor irritations like this monumental and i cry like the little boy in "parenthood" ("MY RETAINER!").

so where's the good luck? some year of the pig. it's all gone downhill and pear-shaped so far.

cah ... i want some ice cream.

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