Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Blog & Order: CI (crisis of intent)

DUDE! they took The Little Match Girl off of YouTube, so now I can't even give mom something to cry over. And they only have a promo for West Bank Story instead of the whole thing. Freedom's just another word for they've got money they don't want to lose.

This Journalism thing isn't really working out. Maybe it is. I don't know. I've got that slacker "I don't want to friggin' work anymore" feeling and it's combining with the "I don't want to work at this to work at other stuff anymore" feeling. I'm busting my a for a C grade and it's really, really irritating me. According to my midterm progress the only thing I can do is write (hey zeus, I even get A's on my Italian essays), but they keep drumming it into us that that's not enough to "make it" out there. Crap. Maybe I'm just having a hard time with allergies or the fact that winter won't go away or because we watched The Rockford Files in class last week and I keep remembering how fun LA was, but knowing that the Jim Rockford LA is long gone and it's been replaced by the Paris Hilton/Lindsey Lohan LA ... I don't know. SAD

But Alan Arkin was my role-model when I was a kid (maybe still is, really) and it was good to see him get thrown a bone. Am I the only one that owns his book "The Lemming Condition"? Buy it. Everyone needs to buy it. And, yeah, it really is about lemmings. I keep it by the bed.

On the title, I'm totally sold on old re-runs of Law & Order: CI. I've only seen 2, sure, but they were a good 2. I'd have watched sooner if I'd known that Jonesy was in it. ("It was Paganini.")


Bet said...

No, I own The Lemming Condition too, but it's sequel, The Clearing, is the one that made me cry!

li'l hateful said...

That's going on my Amazon list right now.