Thursday, January 25, 2007

I've been thinking of renaming this blog, since it's turning into a running bitch session about that one Journalism class. What about: "How many weeks left to the term?" or "Me + Hate + Fear = J204". This is way worse than Info Hell.

Our first project is due today and I feel like crying. You know on Halloween and it's the 5th grade when you're fully socialized, but you're double-digit age so the pressure that will be 6th grade is already coming on, but you're still in the last year of play-school so you want to have fun, but you don't want to be a loser? You know that feeling? So it's Halloween and you dress up for school and the entire way there, walking with your brother whose class didn't dress up, you're sure that you're going to be the only person in a costume.

And that feeling haunts you every time you have to dress up for a social function.

This project is like that. I know that there are fellow students out there that have thrown this thing together, because they started on Tuesday and had no idea what they were doing. Their projects probably look cheated and half-ass. They may even be in the Mac lab now trying to fix them before class. On the other hand, I feel like I'm forgetting something (primarily: that we needed 2 copies of it to turn in, or that we needed to fill out some form somewhere to go with it that explains our type style use or something) and, as far behind as the others are, they will all have done that forgotten something.

(And I'll be standing there dressed as a gypsy and it's only October 29th.)

Okay, so maybe this a lesson to kids about the "real world" where clients, bosses, etc... don't always give you all the information you need to complete the project. Okay, I concede that point, but in the "real world" you can re-work the project to the client's/boss's, etc... liking. Here we turn it in and it's graded and there's no fixing. Bogus.

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