Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I'm done, dear God, all done.

Kind of.

I'm done with the first draft of the Great Project and I feel free. Although I had to take a 20 minute break from the computer before starting the blog (this involved flipping the television stations between "Revenge of the Nerds" and "Black Orpheus"). Honestly, I have no idea what happened over the past two weeks. I remember only waking up, working on the project, going to work, coming home, working on the project, going to school, coming home, working on the project, going to bed. That's been it. No "Lost". No blog. No contact with the outside really. Tomorrow I will print 116 pages out at work and pack it into a bag for editing as I fly to California.

Information Gathering is a tough class, tell you what. It alternately makes me want to give up on Journalism and keep going -- honestly, you finish the hardest class, it's all downhill right? And I've seen what people use for research at Us. Nothing takes 35 sources in the real world of entertainment journalism. You ask two friends what La Jolie did last week and job is done.

One thing I do remember from a couple of weeks ago was a fight that was an undercard to the Mayweather/Baldomir fight. It was Paul Williams (loved him in "The Muppet Movie") against this guy named Santos Pakau. Williams beat him pretty easily, but Pakau had the better walkout song: "Golden Brown" by the Stranglers. Maybe no one told him it was about heroin.

I think it was Pakau ... that was 2 weeks ago, so I can't be sure.

(Just heard on Fox Movie Channel was this gem from Borat: "A woman journalist is like giving a monkey a gun".)

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