Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's probably going to be some time before I'm free to post. Information Gathering has been historically known as the toughest journalism course at the university. Scoff and derisive laughter. I thought it was a total breeze.

At first.
It's not anymore.

It's not a hard class in terms of the work, but it takes more time than I have available. It's almost 8 and I have to rush to work so I can come home and get a few more hours done on the project before ... on and on and on. Although I'll more than likely end up doing school work at work.

Don't be surprised if this sits idle until after Thanksgiving. Not gone for good, just gone for a day or two or twenty.

That said --- did they really kill Mr. Eko? I don't feel so bad about missing Lost or never watching it again. Ever. Fahhhhhhh why can't they kill Charlie? What's he done for us lately? $5 says they kill Desmond next.


Lesli Larson said...

No. Dont leave us. I need to know how the whole infohell thing turns out... More interesting than Lost at this point. I'm through with that silly show and its poof snake monsters.

Deepfry said...

don't forget to take advantage of your librarian friend who is more than happy to help you with your j202 research, if you need.

Unknown said...

Dude! I know! You sounded so professional today! I felt bad for wanting to ask you how to make the sound work on library pc CHAD.

[Can I just say: 'poof snake monsters' sounds Freudian, LaLa ... or maybe it's because I'm focused on analyzing the sexual overtones of the mise-en-scene in "M". Think about it, oranges, bananas, child murder ... it all adds up]

[Sorry. I've gone mad.]

Unknown said...

MY GOD! I CAN'T EVEN COMMENT ON MY OWN BLOG WITH MY PROPER BLOG NAME! Stupit Beta Blogger stupit thing. what a world what a world ...

Lesli Larson said...

Who is Maurice? What happened to Lil' Hateful? So maybe the whole disappearing act is actually a third party abduction. In what clown cage are you housing our dearly departed Miss Hart?

Deepfry said...

i sounded professional?? what on earth was i talking about that convinced you of that?

yours in information servitude,

p.s. for sound, you have to use headphones (which are available to borrow at the reference desk)