Monday, October 30, 2006

Is it magic ... or...?

Is it Halloween?

(If those are ghost cookies, it must be Halloween.)

This year was a literary theme.

Ladies and Gentlemen ... before your very eyes, two (somewhat) normal people will become ...two somewhat abnormal people.

Later on I ditched Raoul and was hanging out with Nancy Drew.
(Note the dainty pinky on the machette.)

"Hey, Boo."
I figure that 'ol Boo, bein' that he was child-like in the mind and all, was a good match for Scout, seein' as how they was both drankin' and shouldna' been, but it's okay 'cuz they's from the South.

This year's winner is not literary, but ... well ... see and judge for yourself. Even trying to explain makes me have to pee my pants because I'm laughing so hard.
All the way from Hawaii, I present the cousin/roommate's parents as Dog, the Bounty Hunter, and his lovely wife, Beth:

1 comment:

li'l hateful said...

back door, beauty?